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词汇 Addams
释义 Ad·dams AHD[ădʹəmz] Charles Samuel (1912-1988) D.J.[ˈædəmz]K.K.[ˈædəmz]NONE(无词性)Jane Addamsc. 1914 photograph by the Gerhard Sisters, Emme and Marnie, of St. Louis
  1. American cartoonist known for the macabre humor and Gothic settings of his cartoons, many of which first appeared in theNew Yorker. 亚当斯,查尔斯·塞缪尔:(1912-1988) 美国漫画家,以其卡通作品之恐怖的幽默及哥特式布景著名。许多作品首次刊登于《纽约人》

AddamsJane (1860-1935)NONE(无词性)
  1. American social reformer and pacifist who founded Hull House (1889), a care and education center for the poor of Chicago, and worked for peace and many social reforms. She shared the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize.亚当斯,简:(1860-1935) 美国社会改革家及和平主义者,为芝加哥贫困人民创办保健及教育中心--赫尔堂(1889年),并为和平及许多社会改革工作而奔忙,1931获诺贝尔和平奖




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