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词汇 -ize
释义 -ize -isesuff.(后缀)
    1. To cause to be or to become:使成为,使变成:dramatize.戏剧化
    2. To cause to conform to or resemble:使…一致,使…相像:Hellenize.使希腊化
    3. To treat as:当作…对待:idolize.偶像崇拜
    1. To treat or affect with:对待或影响…:anesthetize.施以麻醉
    2. To subject to:使服从:tyrannize.压制
    1. To treat according to or practice the method of:根据…对待或实施办法:pasteurize.施行巴氏消毒
    1. To become; become like:成为;变得象:materialize.具体化
    1. To perform, engage in, or produce:完成,从事于,生产:botanize.采集植物
    1. Middle English -isen 中古英语 -isen
    1. from Old French -iser 源自 古法语 -iser
    1. from Late Latin -izāre 源自 后期拉丁语 -izāre
    1. from Greek -izein [v. suff.] 源自 希腊语 -izein [动词后缀]
Usage Note用法
  1. The suffix-ize is a productive means of turning nouns or adjectives into verbs, as in well-established forms such asformalize, criticize, jeopardize, and hospitalize. But the semantic versatility of the suffix can cause ambiguity,since the nature of the activity denoted by a verb formed in this way often depends on the context.Thuscomputerize may mean "to furnish with computers,” as inThe entire office has been computerized, or "to enter on a computer,”as inThe records are not yet computerized. And the sentenceEarthquake relief requirements must be prioritized may mean that all relief requirements must be assigned a high priority or that the relative priority among requirements must be determined.The meanings of verbs such as these may be obscure to people who lack the relevant background informationand will naturally tend to regard them as jargon.This is one reason that so many words formed with-ize met with critical resistance when they were first introduced, among them beingAmericanize, nationalize, and jeopardize, all of which are now acceptable. Although some recent words of this type are unobjectionable,for example,computerize, institutionalize, and radicalize, many others are associated with bureaucratic and corporate jargon,for example,accessorize, incentivize, prioritize, privatize, and in particularfinalize, which despite its wide usagewas judged unacceptable by 71 percent of the Usage Panel.Coinages of this sort should be used with caution until they have passed the tests of manifest utility and acceptance by reputable writers.See Usage Note at finalize ,prioritize 后缀-ize 在把名词或形容词转化为动词时具有多种含义, 例如在固定结构中像使定形,批评,使面临险境送入医院 等。 但是由于这个后缀在语义上的转换经常会模棱两可,所以用这种方式表示动词的形容词意思要根据上下文才能确定。因此computerize 可以意指为“计算机配备”, 例如在句子整个办公室都配备了计算机 中, 也可指“输入计算机”象在句子记录还没有被输入计算机 中。 句子地震救援物质必须被排定优先秩序 可以表示为所有的物质必须被提到紧急的秩序地位, 也可以指物品之间的优先排定秩序必须被确定。象这些动词的意思对那些缺乏相关背景信息的人一定是很模糊的,很自然就会认为是专业术语。这就是为什么这么多由-ize 构成的词语一经介绍使用就会遇到批评阻力的原因之一, 只有象美国化国民化使面临险境 现在被接受。 尽管这类词有许多不是不合适,像使计算机化使成公共团体,使制度化使激进,使偏激 , 还有一些词和官僚的或社团团体的专业术语有关,像使共犯使产生刺激使排定秩序私人化 特别是使终结 , 虽然这些词语用途广泛,但用法专题小组中有71%的成员认为这些用法不能接受。这种类型的创新字必须要等到他们通过了对其用法明确性的考验,并要被有声望的作家接受后才能被谨慎地使用 参见 finalize,prioritize




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