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词汇 fall
释义 fall AHD[fôl] D.J.[fɔːl]K.K.[fɔl]v.(动词)fell[fĕl] fall.en[fôʹlən], falls v.intr.(不及物动词)
    1. To drop or come down freely under the influence of gravity.落下:因重力作用而自由下降或下落
    1. To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position:跌落:使自己降低到更低或更倾斜的位置:I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees.我跌坐到自己的椅子上。朝拜者跪了下去
    1. To lose an upright or erect position suddenly.突然倒下:突然失去垂直的或笔直的位置
    2. To drop wounded or dead, especially in battle.受伤:跌伤或跌死,尤指在战争中
    1. To go or come as if by falling:落下:好象通过降落来或去:All grief fell from our hearts. Night fell quickly.所有悲伤从心头落下。黑夜迅速降临
    1. To come to rest; settle:停留;安放:The light fell on my book.光线落在我的书上
    1. To hang down:自由下垂:The child's hair fell in ringlets.小孩的卷发自然下垂
    1. To be cast down:朝下:Her eyes fell.她的眼睛朝下一瞥
    1. To assume an expression of consternation or disappointment:露出惊慌或失望的表情:His face fell when he heard the report.当他听到那个报告后感到很沮丧
    1. To undergo conquest or capture, especially as the result of an armed attack:被攻陷:遭到军事上的总失败或俘虏,尤指一武装进攻的结果:The city fell after a long siege.在长期围困下,这座城市失陷了
    1. To experience defeat or ruin:失败:经历失败或毁灭:After 300 years the dynasty fell.300年后王朝覆灭了
    2. To lose office:下台:失去职位:The disgraced prime minister fell from power.那个名誉扫地的首相失去了职位
    1. To slope downward:斜向:按斜坡下降:The rolling hills fall gently toward the coast.起伏的山丘逐渐向海岸缓降
    1. To lessen in amount or degree:减低:数量或程度的降低:The air pressure is falling.气压在降低
    2. To decline in financial value:下跌:金融价值下降:Last year, stock prices fell sharply.去年,股票价格猛跌
    3. To lose weight.减轻
    1. To diminish in pitch or volume:减低:音量减弱:My friend's voice fell to a whisper.我朋友的声音逐渐变为耳语
    1. To give in to temptation; sin.屈服于诱惑;犯罪
    2. To lose one's chastity.失去贞洁
    1. To pass into a particular state, condition, or situation:处于:进入某一特别的状态或状况:fell silent; fall in love.变得沉默;坠入情网
    1. To occur at a specified time:发生:在特定时间发生:New Year's Day falls on a Tuesday this year.今年的元旦是星期二
    1. To occur at a specified place:发生:在特定地点发生:The stress falls on the last syllable.重音在最后一个音节上
    1. To come, as by chance.来:偶然到来
    1. To be given by assignment or distribution:被分派任务:The greatest task fell to me.最重的任务派到我头上
    2. To be given by right or inheritance.被给予:被赋予权力或继承权
    1. To be included within the range or scope of something:在…范围之内:被包括在某物范围之内:The specimens fall into three categories.标本被分作三类
    1. To come into contact; strike:接触;遇到:My gaze fell on a small book in the corner.我的目光落在角落里一本小书上
    1. To come out; issue:出来;出口:Insincere compliments fell from their lips.从他们嘴里说出的虚伪恭维
    1. To begin vigorously:精力充沛地开始:fell to work immediately.突然精力充沛地投入工作
    1. To be born. Used chiefly of lambs.出生:被生下来,常指羊羔及物动词)
  1. To cut down (a tree); fell.砍:砍倒(一棵树);倒下
    1. The act or an instance of falling.落下:下降的动作或例子
    1. A sudden drop from a relatively erect to a less erect position.突然俯身低下:从垂直方向上相对高的位置降到低的位置
    1. Something that has fallen:掉下的某物:a fall of hail.降雹
    1. An amount that has fallen:降落的数量:a fall of two inches of rain.降了两英寸雨
    2. The distance that something falls:下降的距离:The victim suffered a fall of three stories to the ground.受害者从三层楼落在地面上
    1. Autumn.秋天
    1. falls (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A waterfall. falls (与单数或复数动词连用)瀑布
    1. A downward movement or slope.斜坡:向下方的运动或下坡
    1. Any of several pendent articles of dress, especially:下垂物:外衣自由摆动的下垂物,尤指:
    1. A veil hung from a woman's hat and down her back.帽纱:从妇女帽子后面垂下掉在其后部的细薄织物
    2. An ornamental cascade of lace or trimming attached to a dress, usually at the collar.装饰的项饰:装饰性花边或衣服领后的下垂物
    3. A woman's hairpiece with long, free-hanging hair.长假发:妇女自由低垂的假发
    1. An overthrow; a collapse:推翻;倒台:the fall of a government.政府倒台
    2. Armed capture of a place under siege:沦陷:被围攻的堡垒陷落:the fall of Dien Bien Phu.奠边府的沦陷
    1. A reduction in value, amount, or degree.减低:价值、程度或数量的减少
    1. A marked, often sudden, decline in status, rank, or importance:贬降:在地位、职位或重要性上显著地,通常突然的下降:"turned them in, set them up for prosecution; positioned them, as it were, for the fall"(Joan Didion)“把他们交给警方,起诉他们;把他们降到理应的位置”(琼·迪迪翁)
    1. A moral lapse.堕落:丧失美德
    2. A loss of chastity.失贞:丧失贞洁
    1. Often Fall Theology The loss of innocence and grace resulting from Adam's eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. 常作 Fall 【神学】 人类的堕落:由于亚当偷吃伊甸园的禁果而丧失清白和体面
    1. Sports 【体育运动】
    1. The act of throwing or forcing a wrestling opponent down on his or her back. Also called pin 压制对方:把摔跤对手的肩压到地上的摔或强压的行为 也作 pin
    2. Any of various wrestling maneuvers so used.摔跤使用的技巧
    1. Nautical 【航海】
    1. A break or rise in the level of a deck.上升,终止:甲板上升或终止
    2. falls The apparatus used to hoist and transfer cargo or lifeboats. falls 起重车:用于搬运或提升货物或救生船的设备
    1. The end of a cable, rope, or chain that is pulled by the power source in hoisting.通索:绳、索、链的末端,由电力带动上升
    1. The birth of an animal, especially a lamb.绵羊的出生:动物的出生,尤指羊羔
    2. All the animals born at one birth; a litter.一窝动物:所有一胎生动物;产仔
    1. A family of woodcock in flight.See Synonyms at flock 1一群山鹬:飞行中的一群山鹬 参见 flock1
    1. Botany The outer series of perianth in the irises and related plants.【植物学】 花被:蝴蝶花或相关植物外层常垂的花瓣
Phrasal Verbs常用词组fall apart
  1. To break down; collapse:破坏;倒塌:The rickety chair fell apart. He fell apart after years as a POW.摇晃的椅子散架了。 作战俘多年,他崩溃了
fall away
    1. To withdraw one's friendship and support.背弃:收回友谊或支持
    1. To become gradually diminished in size.减小:尺寸上的减小
    1. To drift off an established course.背叛:放弃信仰
fall back
    1. To give ground; retreat.退回;撤退
    1. To recede:退潮:The waves fell back.浪退了回去
fall behind
    1. To fail to keep up a pace; lag behind.落后:跟不上步伐;落后
    1. To be financially in arrears.拖欠:经济上欠款
fall down
  1. To fail to meet expectations; lag in performance:失败:未能达到预想;在成就上落后:fell down on the job.工作失败
fall for
    1. To feel love for.爱上:感到爱慕
    1. To be deceived or swindled by:被欺骗:fell for the con artist's scheme and lost $200,000.被假艺术家欺骗并损失200,000美元
fall in
    1. To take one's place in a military formation.集合:军队里集合
    1. To sink inward; cave in:塌陷:往里塌陷;往里凹陷:The roof of the old barn fell in.旧仓顶塌了
fall off
    1. To become less; decrease:变少;降低:Stock prices have fallen off. The number of staff meetings fell off after a few months.股票价格下降了。工作人员的会议在几个月后减少了
    1. Nautical To change course to leeward.【航海】 向下风:船偏向下风
fall on fall upon
    1. To attack suddenly and viciously:攻击:突然猛烈地打击:Snipers and irregulars fell on the hapless patrol.狙击兵和非正规军袭击了巡逻队
    1. To meet with; encounter:偶遇;遭遇:a stockbroker who fell on hard times.股票经纪人处于困难时期
fall out
    1. To leave a barracks, for example, in order to take one's place in a military formation.离营:离营,例如为代替军事编队中某人的位置
    2. To leave a military formation.离队
    1. To quarrel:争吵:The siblings fell out over their inheritance.兄弟姐妹们为继承权而争吵
    1. To happen; occur.发生;出现
fall through
  1. To fail; miscarry:失败:失败;成为泡影:Our plans fell through at the last minute.我们的计划最后失败了
fall to
  1. To begin an activity energetically:开始:积极地着手去做:"The press fell to with a will"(Russell Baker)“新闻界决定采取行动了”(拉塞尔·巴克)
Idioms习惯用语fall back on fall back upon
    1. To rely on:依赖:fall back on old friends in time of need.在需要时求助于老朋友们
    1. To resort to:再使用:I had to fall back on my savings when I was unemployed.失业时我不得不动用我的积蓄
fall between (the) two stools
  1. To fail because of an inability to reconcile or choose between two courses of action.失之交臂:在可供选择的两个当中因未能协调一致或未能作出正确的决定而失败
fall flat
    1. To fail miserably when attempting to achieve a result.沮丧:因未能获得预期成就而沮丧
    1. To have no effect:无效果:The jokes fell flat.玩笑毫无效果
fall foul fall afoul
    1. Nautical To collide. Used of vessels.【航海】 抵触:相撞,用于船只
    1. To clash:冲突:fell foul of the law.与法律相冲突
fall from grace
  1. To experience a major reduction in status or prestige.经历地位或声誉的降低
fall into line
  1. To adhere to established rules or predetermined courses of action.保持一致:坚持保持成规或预先确定的行动方案
fall in with
    1. To agree with or be in harmony with:同意:与…达成默契:Their views fall in with ours.他们的观点与我们的一致
    1. To associate or begin to associate with:同…作伴:fell in with the wrong crowd.与不法分子为伴
fall on deaf ears
  1. To go unheeded; be ignored completely:完全忽视:"Moscow's own familiar charges . . . will also fall on deaf ears"(Foreign Affairs)“莫斯科自己熟悉的职责也被忽视了”(外交事务)
fall over backward fall over backwards
  1. To overexert oneself to do or accomplish something:过度加压:强迫自己做或完成某任务:We fell over backward to complete the project on time.我们给自己加压争取准时完成计划
fall over (oneself)
  1. To display inordinate, typically effusive, enthusiasm:过度地表现出狂热,尤指感情横溢的:fell over themselves to impress the general's wife.他们争相给将军夫人留下深刻的印象
fall prey to
  1. To be put into such a vulnerable position as to be at risk of harm, destruction, or invasion:被困:陷入困境,有遭受迫害、毁灭或侵袭的危险:a person who fell prey to swindlers; did not want the country to fall prey to terrorists.被骗子欺诈的人;不希望国家落入恐怖分子手中
fall short
    1. To fail to attain a specified amount, level, or degree:变得不足:在数量或程度上变得不足:an athlete whose skill fell far short of expectations.一个远未能发挥出水平的运动员
    1. To prove inadequate:证明不足:Our supplies of sugar and rice fell short.我们的糖、米供应不足
fall through the cracks
  1. To pass unnoticed, neglected, or unchecked:未加注意、疏忽、未加检查而通过:"Much of the wisdom . . . seems to have fallen through the cracks, and only in the last third of the book do the central characters find their way out of its swampy narrative"(Boston Globe)“很多睿智的词句似乎都被疏忽了,中心人物仅在书的后三分之一才走出它们冗长的叙述”(波士顿环球)
    1. Middle English fallen 中古英语 fallen
    1. from Old English feallan 源自 古英语 feallan




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