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词汇 dialect
释义 di·a·lect AHD[dīʹə-lĕkt'] D.J.[ˈdaɪəˌlekt]K.K.[ˈdaɪəˌlɛkt]n.(名词)abbr. dial.【缩写】
    1. A regional variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary, especially a variety of speech differing from the standard literary language or speech pattern of the culture in which it exists:地方话:语音、语法或词汇均有区别的地区性语言变体,特别是存在于标准文学语言或文化口语模式的口语变体:Cockney is a dialect of English.伦敦方言是英语中的地区性语言
    2. A variety of language that with other varieties constitutes a single language of which no single variety is standard:方言:所有这些变体会在一起组成一种单一的语言,而其中任一变体均不是标准的:the dialects of Ancient Greek.古希腊方言
    1. The language peculiar to an occupational group or a particular social class; jargon:某一职业(或集团)人员的用语:一个专业集团或特定的社会阶级特有的语言;行话:the dialect of science.科学术语
    1. The manner or style of expressing oneself in language or the arts.语调:用语言或艺术表达自己的方式或风格
    1. A language considered as part of a larger family of languages or a linguistic branch:语支:作为较大语系一部分的语言或者是一种语言分支:Spanish and French are Romance dialects.西班牙语和法语是拉丁语中的一支
    1. French dialecte 法语 dialecte
    1. from Old French 源自 古法语
    1. from Latin dialectus [form of speech] 源自 拉丁语 dialectus [语言形式]
    1. from Greek dialektos [speech] 源自 希腊语 dialektos [讲话]
    1. from dialegesthai [to discourse, use a dialect] 源自 dialegesthai [演说,使用方言]
    1. dia- [between, over] * see dia- dia- [在…之间] * 参见 dia-
    1. legesthai [middle voice of] legein [to speak] * see leg- legesthai legein的中(动)态 [说] * 参见 leg-
Related Forms继承用法di'alecʹtal adj.(形容词)di'alecʹtally adv.(副词)References参考词汇dialect, vernacular, jargon, cant, argot, lingo, patois
    1. These nouns denote forms of language that vary from the standard.这些名词表示是从标准语言变化来的语言形式。
    1. Dialect applies to the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation characteristic of a specific geographic area or locality. The Dialect 适用于特殊地理区域或位置的词汇、语法和语音特点。
    1. vernacular is the everyday language spoken by a people as distinguished from the literary language. Vernacular 是人们每天要讲的不同于文学语言的口语。
    1. Jargon is the specialized language used by a social or occupational group but not understood by the general public. Jagon 是社会或专业集团所用的,而老百姓不懂的专业语言。
    1. Cant now usually refers to the specialized vocabulary of a group or trade and is often marked by the use of stock phrases. Cant 现在通常指某个集团或贸易的专业词汇,并常常明显带有股票短语的使用。
    1. Argot applies especially to the language of the underworld or, by extension, to that of any specific group. Argot 特别适用于下层社会的语言,或者通过引申,适用于任何特殊集团的语言。
    1. Lingo is applied, often humorously or contemptuously, to language that is unfamiliar or so specialized that it is difficult to understand. Lingo 常常幽默和鄙视地用于不熟悉或十分专业难懂的语言。
    1. Patois refers especially to a regional dialect without a literary tradition or to a creole. Patois 尤其指没有文学传统的地区性方言或克里奥尔语




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