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词汇 step
释义 step AHD[stĕp] D.J.[step]K.K.[stɛp]n.(名词)
    1. The single complete movement of raising one foot and putting it down in another spot, as in walking.一步:提起一只脚将它放于另一点的一次完整动作,如在行走中
    2. A manner of walking; a particular gait.步态:行走的方式;一种特定的步伐
    3. A fixed rhythm or pace, as in marching:步调:固定行走的节奏或速度,如在行军中:keep step.使脚步一致
    4. The sound of a footstep.脚步声
    5. A footprint:脚印:steps in the mud.泥中的脚印
    1. The distance traversed by moving one foot ahead of the other.一步的距离:放置一脚在另一脚前面跨过的距离
    2. A very short distance:极短的距离:just a step away.只有一点儿远
    3. steps Course; path: steps 前进的道路:路径;路途:turned her steps toward home.转而往家走
    1. A rest for the foot in ascending or descending.间歇:在脚步抬起或降下时停歇
    2. steps Stairs. steps 楼梯
    3. Something, such as a ledge or an offset, that resembles a step of a stairway.踏脚板:象楼梯阶般的东西,如壁架或壁阶
    1. One of a series of actions, processes, or measures taken to achieve a goal.步骤:一系列为达到某一目的的行动、过程或措施中的一环
    2. A stage in a process:阶段:过程中的一个阶段:followed every step in the instructions.遵循指示中的每一个步骤
    1. A degree in progress or a grade or rank in a scale:级别:某一过程中的度或级别中的等级或程度:a step up in the corporate hierarchy.在社团等级中晋升一级
    1. Music The interval that separates two successive tones of a scale.【音乐】 音阶:断开音阶中接连两音的中间部分
    1. Nautical The block in which the heel of a mast is fixed.【航海】 桅座:固定的桅杆根部的基座
v.(动词)stepped,, steps v.intr.(不及物动词)
    1. To put or press the foot:伸出脚或以脚踏:step on the gas.践踏草地
    1. To shift or move slightly by taking a step or two:轻快地行走:走一两步轻轻向前移动或行进:step back.走回
    1. To walk a short distance to a specified place or in a specified direction:走向:向一个具体的地点或特定的方向走过一段短的距离:step over to the corner.走向角落
    1. To move with the feet in a particular manner:走,移动:以特殊的方式移动:step lively.活泼地走
    1. To move into a new situation by or as if by taking a single step:走进:象走一步一样进入一个新的状态:stepping into a life of ease.开始过平静的生活
    1. To treat with arrogant indifference:踩:傲慢并冷淡地对待:He is always stepping on other people.他常常对别人傲慢而冷淡及物动词)
    1. To put or set (the foot) down:踩:用(脚)踩或放下:step foot on land.走上陆地
    1. To measure by pacing:步测:以步子来测量:step off ten yards.步测出十码
    1. To furnish with steps; make steps in:装台阶;在…上装台阶:terraces that are stepped along the hillside.山边开凿成台阶状的坡地
    1. Computer Science To cause (a computer) to execute a single instruction.【计算机科学】 步,单步:使(计算机)执行一个指令
    1. Nautical To place (a mast) in its step.【航海】 把桅杆放在桅座中
Phrasal Verbs常用词组step down
    1. To resign from a high post.辞职:由高位辞职
    1. To reduce, especially in stages:减低:尤指逐步减低:stepping down the electric power.减少电力
step in
    1. To enter into an activity or a situation.进:进入一种行动或状态
    1. To intervene.干涉
step out
    1. To walk briskly.活泼地走
    1. To go outside for a short time.离走:短时间的出走
    1. Informal To go out for a special evening of entertainment.【非正式用语】 出去娱乐:外出过一个愉快的夜晚
    1. To withdraw; quit.退出,放弃
step up
    1. To increase, especially in stages:增加,尤指逐步增加:step up production.增加产量
    1. To come forward:走上前:step up and be counted.走上前被算在内
Idioms习惯用语in step
    1. Moving in rhythm.协调地移动
    1. In conformity with one's environment:与…的环境一致:in step with the times.与时代步伐保持一致
out of step
    1. Not moving in rhythm:行动不协调:recruits marching out of step.新兵在行进时不协调
    1. Not in conformity with one's environment:与…的环境不一致:out of step with the times.与时代不一致
step by step
  1. By degrees.逐步地
step on it【非正式用语】
  1. To go faster; hurry.走快一点;赶快
    1. Middle English 中古英语
    1. from Old English stæpe, stepe 源自 古英语 stæpe, stepe




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