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词汇 magazine
释义 mag·a·zine AHD[măgʹə-zēn', măg'ə-zēnʹ] D.J.[ˈmægəˌziːn, ˌmægəˈziːn]K.K.[ˈmægəˌzin, ˌmægəˈzin]n.(名词)
    1. A periodical containing a collection of articles, stories, pictures, or other features.杂志:一种载有专论、小说、图片或其他内容的期刊
    1. A place where goods are stored, especially a building in a fort or a storeroom on a warship where ammunition is kept.仓库:储藏货物的地方,尤指军事要塞中的建筑物或者军舰上存放军火的房间
    2. The contents of a storehouse, especially a stock of ammunition.库存:库存的东西,尤指库存的军火
    1. A compartment in some types of firearms, often a small detachable box, in which cartridges are held to be fed into the firing chamber.弹盒:某些武器上的一个部件,通常是一个可以拆御的小盒,子弹在压入弹膛之前就放在那里
    2. A compartment in a camera in which rolls or cartridges of film are held for feeding through the exposure mechanism.胶卷暗盒:照相机上的一个部件,胶卷在进入底片仓之前就放于此
    3. Any of various compartments attached to machines, used for storing or supplying necessary material.附属仓库:附属于机器的部件,用来存放或提供必要的材料
  1. Of or relating to periodicals:期刊的或与期刊有关的:a magazine story.一个杂志上的故事
    1. French magasin [storehouse] 法语 magasin [仓库]
    1. from Old French magazin possibly via Old Italian magazzino 源自 古法语 magazin 可能源自 古意大利语 magazzino
    1. from Arabic maCāzin [pl. of] maCzan 源自 阿拉伯语 maCāzin maCzan的复数
    1. from Cazana [to store] 源自 Cazana [储藏]




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