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词汇 kind
释义 kind 1 AHD[kīnd] D.J.[kaɪnd]K.K.[kaɪnd]adj.(形容词), kind.est
    1. Of a friendly, generous, or warm-hearted nature.友善的,好心的:友好的、宽宏大量的或热情的天性
    1. Showing sympathy or understanding; charitable:宽厚的,温和:表示同情或理解的;温和的:a kind word.宽厚的话语
    1. Humane; considerate:仁慈的;体贴的:kind to animals.对动物很仁慈
    1. Forbearing; tolerant:宽容的;容忍的:Our neighbor was very kind about the window we broke.我们的邻居对我们打破玻璃表现得很宽容
    1. Generous; liberal:宽宏大量的;慷慨的:kind words of praise.毫不吝啬的赞美
    1. Agreeable; beneficial:令人愉悦的;有益的:a dry climate kind to asthmatics.干燥的天气有益于气喘病患者
    1. Middle English [natural, kind] 中古英语 [自然的,友好的]
    1. from Old English gecynde [natural] * see genə- 源自 古英语 gecynde [自然的] * 参见 genə-
References参考词汇kind, kindly, kindhearted, benign, benevolent
    1. These adjectives apply to persons and their actions and mean having or showing a tender, considerate, and helping nature.这些形容词适用于具有或表现出亲切的、体贴的和乐于助人的本性的人及他们的行为和方式。
    1. Kind andkindly are the least specific: Kindkindly 最接近: is kind to sick patients;对病人亲切;thanked her for her kind letter;感谢她的热情的信;a kindly gentleman;仁慈的绅士;Ckindly criticism.宽厚的批评。
    1. Kindhearted especially suggests an innately kind disposition: Kindhearted 特别暗示出天生的仁慈个性: a generous and kindhearted teacher.宽容仁慈的老师。
    1. Benign implies gentleness and mildness: Benign 暗示文雅和温和: a benign smile;文雅的微笑;benign intentions;好的意图;a benign ruler of millions.仁慈的千百万人的统治者。
    1. Benevolent suggests charitableness and a desire to promote the welfare or happiness of others: Benevolent 暗示慈善和希望促使他人的幸福或快乐: has a benevolent nature;具有宽厚的天性;a benevolent contributor. 一位慈善捐助者

kind 2 AHD[kīnd] D.J.[kaɪnd]K.K.[kaɪnd]n.(名词)
    1. A group of individuals linked by traits held in common.同种,同类:因具有共同的特性而联系在一起的个体的集合
    1. A particular variety; a sort:特定的种类;类别:What kind of soap do you like best?See Synonyms at type 你最喜欢哪一种肥皂? 参见 type
    1. Fundamental, underlying character as a determinant of the class to which a thing belongs; nature or essence.本质,天性:基础的和根本的特性,如一种事物归属种类的决定因素;天性或本质
    1. A doubtful or borderline member of a given category:类似,某类:指定种类的不确定的或难以抉择的成员:fashioned a kind of shelter; a kind of bluish color.形成了一点掩蔽;类似蓝色的颜色
    1. Archaic Manner.【古语】 方式
Idioms习惯用语all kinds of【非正式用语】
  1. Plenty of; ample:大量的;足够的:We have all kinds of time to finish the job.我们有充足的时间完成这项工作
in kind
    1. With produce or commodities rather than with money:以实物、货物贷款:用产品或商品而不是用钱:pay in kind.用实物支付
    1. In the same manner or with an equivalent:以同样方法:用同样的方法或用等价物:returned the slight in kind.用同样方式还以蔑视
kind of【非正式用语】
  1. Rather; somewhat:相当;有一些:I'm kind of hungry.我有些饿了
    1. Middle English 中古英语
    1. from Old English gecynd [race, offspring, kind] * see genə- 源自 古英语 gecynd [人种,子孙,种类] * 参见 genə-
Usage Note用法
    1. The use of the plural demonstrativesthese and those with kind and sort, as inthese kind (or sort ) of films, has been a traditional bugbear of American grammarians. By and large,British grammarians have been more tolerant,and the construction can be found in the works of British writers from Pope to Dickens to Churchill.Grammatically, the question boils down towhetherkind and sort should be treated as head nouns (analogous to species or variety, for example) or whether they have become semantically weakened to the status of a sort of phrasal quantifierthat functions like an adjective,analogous in some ways tobunch and number in expressions such asa bunch of friends, a number of reasons. Ifkind and sort are unambiguously nouns, one would expect to see only singular demonstratives and singular verbs accompanying them: 复数形式的指示代词thesethosekindsort 的用法, 如these kind (或 sortof films, 成为美国语法专家长期感到头痛的问题。 总的说来,英国语法专家对此更能容忍,这一句法结构可以在从蒲柏到狄更斯以至丘吉尔这些英国作家的著作中找到。在语法上,问题归结起来是,是否kindsort 应当作中心词名词(例如,与 speciesvariety 类似), 或者是否他们语义上减弱到一种数量词短语的地位,其功能像一个形容词,某些方面类似于bunchnumber , 其表述例如一群朋友,一大堆理由。 如果kindsort 是明确的名词, 人们应该希望只看到单数指示代词和与之相伴的单数动词: This kind of films is popular (compare This species of spider is found only in the New World ). 这种电影很流行(与 这种蜘蛛只在西半球界发现过 比较)。
    1. If they are functioning as adjectives, however,the plural demonstrative and plural verb should be acceptable: 然而,如果它们的功能象形容词,那么复数指示代词和复数动词是能够接受的: These kind of films are popular. 这种电影很流行。
    1. In fact, thekind of construction can be plausibly analyzed either way, which is doubtless why writers have mixed and matched the number of demonstratives and verbs in just about every possible combination.We find reputable precedent forthis kind of films are, these kind of films are, this kind of films is, these kind of films is, and so on. There are only two reliable regularities:when the pluralkinds is used, the demonstrative and the verb must also be plural: 实际上,kind of 结构可以用任一方式分析, 这毫无疑问是作家混用了指示代词和动词的每一种可能的结合,并且每一种结合的数量大致相等的原因。我们找到规范的先例,如this kind of films are, these kind of films are, this kind of films is, these kind of films is 等等。 只有两种可信赖的规律:当复数kinds 使用时, 指示代词和动词也只是复数: These (not this ) kinds of films are (not is ) popular. These(不是 thiskinds of films are (不是 ispopular
    1. By the same token,when bothkind and the noun following it are singular, the verb must be singular: 由于同样的原因,当kind 和它后面跟的名词都是单数时, 动词必须是单数: This kind of film is (not are ) popular. This kind of film is(不是 arepopular
    1. To this may be added a word of caution to American writers:despite the existence of ample literary precedent forthese kind of films, the construction has been so thoroughly stigmatized by native grammariansthat its use would have to be reckoned indiscreet, if not strictly incorrect.关于这一点也许可以给美国作家加上一句警告:尽管有大量的像these kind of films 一样的文学上的先例存在, 这一结构已被本国的语法专家彻底否定掉,以至于它的用法即使不认为是严格的错误,也会被认作不慎重




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