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In·di·a AHD[ĭnʹdē-ə] D.J.[ˈɪndiːə]K.K.[ˈɪndiə]NONE(无词性) - A peninsula and subcontinent of southern Asia south of the Himalaya Mountains, occupied by India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.印度半岛、南亚次大陆:亚洲喜马拉雅山脉南边的南亚次大陆和半岛,包括印度、尼泊尔、不丹、锡金、巴基斯坦和孟加拉国
- A country of southern Asia. India was the site of one of the oldest civilizations in the world, centered in the Indus River valley c. 2500 to 1500b.c. Parts of India were overrun by the Aryans and later occupied or controlled by various powers, including the Moguls, European states, and local nawabs and rajahs. The British finally assumed authority over "the Jewel in the Crown" in 1857, although Queen Victoria did not assume the title of empress until 1876. In the 20th century increasing unrest led to Britain's withdrawal and independence for the country (1947). New Delhi is the capital and Calcutta the largest city. Population, 685,184,692. 印度:南亚的一个国家。是世界上古老文明的发源地之一,中心在印度河谷,时间大约是公元前 2500年至1500年。那时印度的一部分被雅利安人占据,后来又被一些不同的势力所控制,包括莫卧儿人、一些欧洲国家和印度本土的回教贵族和酋长。1857年,英国最终取得了超越“王冠上的宝石”(指王权)的权威,而维多利亚女王直到1876年才正式宣称为印度女皇。20世纪,印度的骚乱愈演愈烈,直到英国殖民者退出,国家才正式独立(1947年)。首都是新德里,最大的城市是加尔各答。人口685,184,692